Last seen February 6 at 12:56 Dr. Steven k. Moyer

Dr. Steven k. Moyer

My Services

SKM Associates Family Business Consultants exists to serve and assist family businesses as they build and preserve their family legacies. We work with family enterprises and closely held businesses on issues such as succession planning, communication, board and family business structure development, family meetings, professional coaching and development, education, and business strategy. Services may include: • Succession Planning • Facilitation of Family Meetings • Executive Team Development • Coaching • Organizational Governance • Key Leader Assessment and Developmental Plan • Non-Family Leadership Development • Plan Implementation Accountability • Organizational Development

Advisory type


Service line

Generalist, Human Resources & Organization, Strategy, Other Services


For Business Families in the journey to build their Family’s Legacy

College / University Degrees


Specialized training, Certifications

Services may include: • Succession Planning • Facilitation of Family Meetings • Executive Team Development • Coaching • Organizational Governance • Key Leader Assessment and Developmental Plan • Non-Family Leadership Development • Plan Implementation Accountability • Organizational Development

My Snapshot

  • # Reviews: 0
  • Skill ratings: 00.0
  • # Client recommendations: 0 0
  • # Peer recommendations: 0
  • Experience level (yrs): expert
  • Size of typical clients: