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Farrah Munoko & Company Advocates
- Middle Market ($$)
- Legal (& Notary)
The firm of Farrah Munoko & Company Advocates (FM Advocates) is a registered firm that joined the highly competitive legal market on 21st April, 2015 and is engaged as a partnershi…
View moreThe firm of Farrah Munoko & Company Advocates (FM Advocates) is a registered firm that joined the highly competitive legal market on 21st April, 2015 and is engaged as a partnership in the practice of Law and Consultancy. Its offices at within Nairobi City County and are equipped with modern office and communication facilities comparable to a similar firm anywhere in the world. It has both professional and dedicated support staff some of whose details are provided hereunder. The firm majors in Corporate & Commercial Law, Conveyancing, Litigation (both civil and criminal law), Employment & Labour Relations, Construction Law, Electoral Laws & Administrative disputes, Constitutional & Human Rights Law, Estate Management & Family Law among others. All these are comprised in the firm’s 3 major departments. Below is a detailed scope of the areas of practice that the firm engages in
- Advocates
- Commissioners for oatha & Notary Public
- Advocates Commissioner for Oaths & Notar…