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Subhashis B.

  • $50-100/hr
  • Consulting
  • Recruiting & HR

=> NO STRING ATTACHED FOR ALL Entrepreneurs Both Start-Ups & Established Businesses IS AS FOLLOWS 1. FREE ONLINE BUSINESS MENTORING 2. FREE AT SITE HAND HOLDING FOR FIRST VISIT OF UP-TO 3 DAYS [if our travel, local conveyance, st…

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  • Executive Coaching
  • Business Activity Monitoring
  • Business Analysis
  • Business TurnAround
  • Results based Solutions
  • Soft & hard Skill Training
  • Counseling
  • Culture Change

Shelley S.

Senior Consultant
United States   |   Houstontown
  • $200-400/hr
  • Legal (& Notary)
  • Recruiting & HR

Accomplished and loyal executive combining sales, relationship management and operational expertise with extensive knowledge in general management and financial management. Demonstrated leadership in managing high performing team…

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  • Financial Managemet
  • asset management
  • separate accounts
  • mutual funds
  • client service
  • key account relationship management
  • Non profit
  • fasabilty stuidies

Ayanda D.

South Africa
  • $50-100/hr
  • Recruiting & HR


  • Computer Skills
  • Communication Skills
  • Problem Solving
  • Team Management