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Denis B.
Consultant full experienced and versatile
- $1-50/hr
- Consulting
Restructuring business Business Development Boosting creativity Six Sigma Marketing strategy
- Six Sigma
- Restructuring
- Developing new markets
- Marketing
- Creative Concept Development
- Event Planning
- Project Management
Christopher M.
Entrepreneur / Operational Strategy Consultant
- $200-400/hr
- Consulting
- Brand Development & Innovation - Sourcing & Procurement - Strategic Thinking - Organization Design
Subhashis B.
- $50-100/hr
- Consulting
- Recruiting & HR
=> NO STRING ATTACHED FOR ALL Entrepreneurs Both Start-Ups & Established Businesses IS AS FOLLOWS 1. FREE ONLINE BUSINESS MENTORING 2. FREE AT SITE HAND HOLDING FOR FIRST VISIT OF UP-TO 3 DAYS [if our travel, local conveyance, st…
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=> NO STRING ATTACHED FOR ALL Entrepreneurs Both Start-Ups & Established Businesses IS AS FOLLOWS
2. FREE AT SITE HAND HOLDING FOR FIRST VISIT OF UP-TO 3 DAYS [if our travel, local conveyance, stay are borne by the Entrepreneurs]
WE have successfully mentored & DELIVERED PRE-IDENTIFIED DEFINED RESULTS IN companies from Say 1 Million USD Turn Over to 500 Million USD in both India as well as Abroad.
WE do not just advice - but instead WE work with the Top/Main/Chief Stakeholder to implement actions to deliver results.
WE would appreciate highly - in case you can circulate this among all the Entrepreneurs You know about.
Get Edge Business-Wise
1. Complete Business Turn-Around Handholding
3. Executive Coaching
4. Start-ups & Established Business Mentoring
5. Creating Process Leadership & Excellence
6. Creating Thought Leadership & Excellence
7. Creating Manufacturing Leadership & Excellence
8. Creating People Leadership & Excellence
9. Creating Service Leadership & Excellence
10. Creating Product Leadership & Excellence
11. Creating Business Leadership & Excellence
12. Creating Social Leadership & Excellence
13. Creating Quality Leadership & Excellence
14. Creating Customer Leadership & Excellence
15. Creating Brand Leadership & Excellence
16. Creating Operational Leadership & Excellence
17. Creating Marketing Leadership & Excellence
It can be any Business – as long as you have at least 1 Subject Matter/Domain Expert of the Business You are in, e.g., If you are in Power/Steel/Garment/Software/Trading/Any Business - & You do not know/have some real expert, then YOU DO NOT HAVE ANY BUSINESS TO BE IN THAT BUSINESS.
The value addition what we do is in the following areas
1. Implementing New Effective Culture like Lean Manufacturing/6 Sigma
2. Implementing/Improving Quality/Safety/HR/Manufacturing Processes Excellence
3. Help you Reach Effectively to Break in Market – If You are struggling in selling
4. Capability Building – people excellence
5. Talent attraction, talent recruitment & talent retention
6. Expansion of your business
7. Total turn-key Management
8. Employee engagement
9. Creating a culture of innovation/Learning organization
10. Implementing change – Like Cost Optimization/Production efficiency Increment etc.
11. Implementing Performance Management System & Processes
12. Executive Coaching
13. Creating Vision for Future/New Products/Services
14. Service Excellence
15. Brand Leadership
We do this working at the site with the Top/Major Stakeholder
You can also check my website => Which Crossed 1,50,000 views within 11 & 1/2 months
My LinkedIn Profile =>
My Quora answers - Which Crossed 2,50,000 views within 90 days =>
During My Consultancy Experience - I have had the privilege of doing the following - in course of taking a company from 150 Million USD to 250 Million USD through handling complete setting up of 2 New Units handling all aspects of HR/Production/ Quality/Manufacturing. In this project as far as HR is concerned I handled the following main areas
Recruitment the Top to Workers Level from Interviewing in 6 Countries
Training Center Set-up
Implementation of Lean Manufacturing Systems
Complete Total Quality Management System
Complete Total Preventive Maintenance
Executive Coaching for Entire Top Leadership
Setting up of Performance Management System
Setting up of Appraisal system
R & R
Employee Engagement Process
Complete Quality Processes
Skill Up-gradation
Salary Evaluation & Correction
Grievance Prevention
Setting up of performance linked career path
- Executive Coaching
- Business Activity Monitoring
- Business Analysis
- Business TurnAround
- Results based Solutions
- Soft & hard Skill Training
- Counseling
- Culture Change
Eric B.
Customer Value Innovation and Go-to-market Strategy Expert
- $200-400/hr
- Consulting
- Advertising, Sales, Marketing & PR
Market research, value proposition development, value selling, value pricing, customer value management, innovation.
- Strategy & Management Consulting
- Customer Experience
- Customer Insight
- value
- Marketing
- Innovation
- Distribution Strategies
Alexander G.
Managing Director
- $100-200/hr
- Consulting
- Recruiting & HR
I am a serial entrepreneur using technology to tackle social and environmental problems. Throughout my career I was supported by various coaches, advisors and mentors who helped me to set and achieve my goals. 3 years ago I star…
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I am a serial entrepreneur using technology to tackle social and environmental problems.
Throughout my career I was supported by various coaches, advisors and mentors who helped me to set and achieve my goals. 3 years ago I started mentoring and coaching early stage start-ups and cooperates using lean & agile methodologies myself with the goal of helping them to set and achieve their goals as well.
The teams and individuals I offered my services to profited from my experience in both the corporate and start-up world as an employee and managing director as well as my systematic approach in discovering their strength and weakness and finding a way forward to develop themselves towards the leaders and innovators they would like to be.
While my services as a mentor and coach are process orientated and don't depend on a specific industry, I can advise on specific opportunities and challenges within the cleantech, environmental, water, HVAC, (aero)space and energy sector.
- Start-ups
- Lean Management
- Scrum
- Innovation & Technology
- Innovation Management
- Agile Project Management
- Startup Consulting
- Management
Elena L.
Principal and Founder, Mosaic Growth Partners
- Consulting
Mosaic Growth Partners is a consulting firm based in Washington, D.C. that helps organizations and entrepreneurs in the healthcare and baby boomer industries with business growth strategy consulting. If you are looking to bring a…
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Mosaic Growth Partners is a consulting firm based in Washington, D.C. that helps organizations and entrepreneurs in the healthcare and baby boomer industries with business growth strategy consulting.
If you are looking to bring a new product or service to market, identify and engage new customers and partners or grow your market share, then Mosaic Growth Partners can help.
We offer marketing intelligence, growth strategy consulting, and business coaching and training services.
- Healthcare
- Healthcare market research
- Innovation
- Innovation Consulting
- Start-ups
- Startup Consulting
- Market Analysis
- Market Entry
Scott M.
Managing Director
- Crain & Company
- $400-600/hr
- Consulting
- Advertising, Sales, Marketing & PR
Strategy (Corporate, Financial, Market, and Growth) Commercialization of products and technology Finance and Corporate Finance M&A Integration Corporate Development Change Management Investment Strategy…
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Strategy (Corporate, Financial, Market, and Growth)
Commercialization of products and technology
Finance and Corporate Finance
M&A Integration
Corporate Development
Change Management
Investment Strategy / Venture Capital
Modeling & Decision Analysis
Crisis Management / Turnaround Management
Marketing Strategy
Organizational Design
- Strategic Advisory Services
- Strategic Consulting
- Strategic Financial Planning
- Strategic Organizational Change Manageme…
- Strategic Partnerships
- Strategic Planning
- Strategy & Management Consulting
- Strategy

Dan Q.
Managing Partner, Query Solutions, LLC
- $600+/hr
- Consulting
• Product Commercialization Execution – Full Cycle Product Development • We bring deep expertise to our clients to help build robust processes and approaches to drive consistent execution throughout the entire product commercial…
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• Product Commercialization Execution – Full Cycle Product Development
• We bring deep expertise to our clients to help build robust processes and approaches to drive consistent execution throughout the entire product commercialization cycle. Primary outcomes include increased speed to market, reduced costs, reduced complexity, increased predictability, and reduced risks.
- Product Development
- Project Management
- Stage Gate Implementation
- Product Launch Execution
- Product Development Analytics
- Cross Functional Team Development
- Risk Mitigation Planning
- Product Recall Management

Muhammad Zarar M.
Innovative IoT Solutions in Strategic Planning
- $50-100/hr
- Consulting
Geotechnical, Geophysical & Geological
- IoT & Geophysical Applications

Daniel D.
Diretor Consultor
- D2GM Consultoria
- Consulting
Acompanhamento de Planejamento Estratégico Adição de valor com CANVAS Análise de linhas de produtos Análise de tempos e movimentos Análise e implantação de Fluxo de Caixa Análise e otimização de processo de produção Análise e otim…
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Acompanhamento de Planejamento Estratégico
Adição de valor com CANVAS
Análise de linhas de produtos
Análise de tempos e movimentos
Análise e implantação de Fluxo de Caixa
Análise e otimização de processo de produção
Análise e otimização de processos administrativos
Análise e redução de custos e despesas
Aumento do engajamento da força de trabalho
Avaliação periódica de desempenho
Capacitação Comportamental de Gestores
Coaching de Gestores e Executivos
Elaboração de Planos de Negócio
Estruturação de áreas (RH, Finanças, Estoque etc.).
Executivo In-Company temporário
Ferramentas de produção (GQ, CEP, 5S, PDCA etc.).
Formação de Equipes
Formação de Sucessores
Mentoring de Dirigentes
Pesquisa de Clima Organizacional
Planejamento de produtos
Planejamento Estratégico
Profissionalização financeira da empresa
Programa de Formação de Líderes
Renegociação de Dívidas
Reposicionamento de empresas familiares
Reposicionamento do marketing da empresa
Treinamento em Liderança
Treinamentos Motivacionais
Treinamentos Organizacionais
Treinamentos Técnicos
- Engenheiro formado no México
- com Mestrado em ciências nos Estados Uni…
- conta com décadas de experiência em cons…
- executivos e empresas tanto no Brasil co…